FAQ: Walk In or Manual Booking

Siti Nurhikmah

Last Update 10 tháng trước

1. How do I initiate a manual booking?

- Navigate to the Sales tab and select Bookings.

- Click on "New Booking" to start the process.

2. What information do I need to provide for a manual booking?

You'll need to specify the location, customer (existing or new), service, item type, and quantity.

3. Can I assign a specific staff member to the booking?

Yes, you have the option to select a particular staff member for the booking or leave it blank.

4. How do I choose the date and time for the booking?

After selecting the staff, proceed to choose the date and time slot for the booking.

5. Is there an option to apply promotional codes?

Yes, you can enter a promo code if available before finalizing the booking.

6. What happens after I submit the booking details?

Upon submission, you'll be redirected to view the booking details page.

7. Can I make changes to the booking status after submission?

Yes, you can change the booking status from new to arrived, ongoing, completed, or cancelled.

8. How do I send a reminder to the customer for their booking?

From the booking details page, you have the option to send a reminder to the customer.

9. What if I need to make edits to a confirmed booking?

You may need to contact support or refer to your system's guidelines for editing confirmed bookings.

10. Is there a limit to the number of bookings I can create manually?

Typically, there isn't a limit, but it's advisable to check your system's capacity and any restrictions that may apply.

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