Register Your SferaAI Account
Last Update 4 tháng trước

1. Visit Click Get Started.

2. Personal information: Enter your personal information: full name, email address, phone number, and password. Click Next step to continue. You will be sent an email to verify your email address. Open your email mailbox and verify your email address.

3. Business information: Enter your business information: business brand name, registered business name, business registration number, business email address, and country it is operating - this will determine currency and timezone. Click Next step to continue.

4. Your Sfera Online Profile (Sfera Link): Enter your Sfera Link. Example You can use this URL with your call to action in various places official website (if you have one), Google Page, Instagram Page, Facebook Page, TikTok page, offline posters, billboards, or share it with your existing or potential customers. Click Next step to continue.

5. Select Your Business Type and click Next step to continue.

6. How Will You Be Using SferaAI : Select all the ways you plan to use SferaAI to manage and grow your business. You can choose more than one option and modify or update these preferences later in the settings. Click Next step to continue.

7. Location (outlet or branch) information: Enter your outlet name, contact/mobile number, email address, physical address, postal code, city, and state. Click Next step to continue.

8. Location operating hours: Update your outlet’s business operating hours, days, and times it is available for bookings or walk-ins. Click Next step to continue.

Registration is complete, and you will be redirected to the dashboard. You can then start using it immediately.